Kalibre Education

Knowing When to Stop

It is without a doubt that when we work hard for something, whether it be for an upcoming exam or job interview, we drive ourselves to the limit in order to attain our goals. But, often we emphasise the journey and forget the rest, we focus on the drive but we struggle to know when to stop. We reach the point when our minds can inherit no more knowledge, when our faculties have been exhausted, and it is time for a rest.

“We should take wandering outdoor walks, so that the mind might be nourished and refreshed.” – Seneca, On Tranquility of Mind, 17.8

On the days leading up to a big event, it is important to step back, absorb, and trust yourself to deliver the end result. You cannot be fatigued or exhausted when it most counts; you must be sharp, calm, and clear of mind.

But these things do not come naturally, and like a hunter who unstrings his bow to prevent the fatigue of his wood and string, you must give your mind a break. Often, there are many indicators to when you’re due for a break:


  • You keep looking at your phone
  • It is impossible to answer more than one question in a row
  • You’re constantly distracted
  • You keep getting questions wrong

I know what it is like to study for an exam block, to prepare for something big, and to have your heart pounding as you open up your exam results. For each person, these things can be different, but what I can tell you is that when you start seeing these indicators, drop everything and rest.

I do not mean exchange one source of mental exhaustion for another, to go from staring at math equations to staring at Netflix or social media. These methods are cheap, ineffective, and cannot give you the relaxation you need.

There are three faculties of each human; the mind, body, and soul. When you’ve studied so hard for an exam, great, you have successfully exhausted your mind. To replenish it, go exercise your body and soul. Workout, pray, talk to your family, read a light book, watch a movie together with someone, or go out with your friends.

When you know when to stop, you’ll naturally find yourself sharper and more motivated. If you give yourself the rest you deserve, you’ll let the content and information sink in, and you will come out the other end better than ever.

Anthony, from the Kalibre Post.

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