Kalibre Education

How to Master Exam Block Preparation

The Library of Trinity College – Dublin Ireland

There is no defined model for time management or a sure path that will guarantee exam success for all individuals. Although exam preparation for an exam block is trying and stressful, there are a few things you can do that will make higher marks more attainable. You already know ‘The Secret to Exam Success’ and the importance of the ‘Pursuit of

Excellence’, it is about time that you learn self-mastery and how discipline can conquer a stressful exam block.

“There is no shame in making an honest effort.” Epictetus

School, university, work, stress comes in waves, and no matter what phase of life you’re in, you’ll have to learn to manage yourself in times of high intensity. Within every one of us, there are vices and bad habits that keep us from accomplishing our tasks and make our goals less attainable.

But that is not necessarily a bad thing. We must first acknowledge our flaws before we can do anything about them. Below I will outline a few tips (from my own experience) on where to begin with exam block preparation and how to reduce stress and increase results.

Tip 1 | Know your Weaknesses

Know your strengths, but most of all, know your weaknesses. These are the habits or the topics you must first address in your revision and prep for your upcoming exam block.

Before you begin revision, open up a past paper from Thsconline and answer as many questions as you can. Then when you mark, highlight the topics that you’re most weak in. This should tell you where to invest most of your time.

Tip 2 | Work Backward

Exam blocks are crammed, with many subjects back-to-back. For me, I’d start hitting the books hard 2-3 weeks before the exam block. But this doesn’t address those painful circumstances when you have English and Science on a Monday, followed by Math on Tuesday.

This is where I’d work backward. Begin revision on those subjects at the end of my exam block first. Make sure your notes are up to date, start practice questions and past papers.

As you come within 1-week to the exam block, begin revising the subjects on the first 2 days of your block and divert all your attention to them. Once the first wave of exams is done, you’ll be left with the subjects you addressed at the beginning of your revision.

At this point, you can thank yourself… you would have already done most of the prep for these subjects already.

Tip 3 | Move Quickly, Move Smart

Especially in lockdown, procrastination is constantly present, and 1-hour tasks can be drawn out to 2 or 3 hours if we’re not careful. I have already mentioned the time management methods of blocking our time but it is also important that you move quickly and move smart.

Move Quicky: Before you do a task, such as textbook questions or reading your notes, say that you want it done within the hour. This will keep you in check and ensure that your study is efficient.

Move Smart: Keep your mind fresh. Alternate between study locations in your house every time you change the subject you’re studying. Never study in your own bed. When you study you begin to associate that location with stressful memories. You need to keep locations in your house, including your bed, stress-free and purely a place for relaxation.


If you do not love what you’re studying, or you do not enjoy school in general, then love the habits and the principles that will help get you through it. When it is all done, one day, you’ll look back at your actions with pride.

Anthony, from the Kalibre Post.

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